

Learn to make Dalgona Hello i am tasiya delia ratna sari. I'm going to teach my cousin how to make a hot dalgona. Dalgona is a sweet candy with a sponge-like texture, which was popular in the 1970s and is now popular as a nostalgic food for the people of South Korea.  How to make it very easy but must be patient. The ingredients are as follows 1 sachet of greentea / matcha powder (2 tbsp), 2 tbsp sugar, 2 tbsp hot water, milk, mixer. First, put 2 tablespoons of greentea / matcha powder in a bowl, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 2 tablespoons of hot water. Mix well with a spoon. Second, take the mixer / whisk and mixer until thick. Just thick, not foam. Then, get a cup. Put enough milk, then put the mixed greentea / matcha on top of the cup. Done! very happy to teach my cousin how to make dalgona, as well as train patience, I can fill my spare time by sharing useful knowledge and dive right into making it Tasiya Delia Ratna Sari XII MIPA 8/ 35


HOW TO MAKE CASSAVA CENIL ·         Ingredients 1.         500 grams of grated cassava 2.        2 tbsp tapioca flour 3.        90 grams of sugar 4.        1/4 teaspoon salt 5.        Sufficiently yellow, green dye (according to taste) Sprinkled 1.         1/2 grated coconut 2.        1 tablespoon sugar 3.        1/4 teaspoon salt ·         Steps 1.         Prepare the ingredients, then put the grated cassava, sugar, and tapioca in a container, stir well. 2.        Divide the dough into 2, give the color according to taste, mix well.   3.        After stirring well, put the dough into the pan, steamed for about 35 minutes. Remove, chill. 4.        Steam the grated coconut for 5 minutes, remove from heat, place on a plate and sprinkle with salt. Rub the chopped cenil into the grated coconut. Tips 1.         The cassava cenil recipe above the sweetness is just right in my opinion, but if someone likes it sweeter, add sugar according to t

Nature Photography Exhibiton

  "When nature changes the face from the bright becomes dark, that's where the Lord looks real with all its beauty" Name : TASIYA DELIA RATNA SARI Class  : XII MIPA 8 Number : 34


  Week 1 : My SDGs Favorite among theme are: "Do the division of the food or the needs of the principal for less able to SDGs 2 "Zero Hunger"      To support SDG number 2 on mortality, achieve food security, improve nutrition and support sustainable agriculture. This goal is in line with Indonesia's development priorities which are embedded in resilience priorities Hunger is defined as a condition resulting from chronic food shortages. In the long term, chronic hunger is severe in the degree of public health and public expenditure on health results. Many factors that cause hunger such as poverty, instability of the government system, the use of the environment that exceeds capacity, national and helplessness such as children, women, and helplessness such as unemployed children are the main factors causing hunger. Week 2 : Week 3 :  Name      :  Tasiya Delia Ratna Sari Class       : XII MIPA 8 No            : 34




COWARDLY BAT Text Story Telling: In a meadow there is a lion eating meat. Suddenly, an eagle snatched it. The lion was angry and declared war on the bird nation. All kinds of birds will be their enemies. At night the lion-led group attacks. Bird nation lost. Seeing that condition, the bat felt anxious. He immediately met the king of the jungle. Bat said that he was a nation of rats despite having wings. Because of that, he wants to join. The lion allowed it. The next day while the lion group was resting, the group of birds attacked back. The bat felt anxious so he thought about joining the bird nation. Bats meet eagles. Elang also gladly accepts it. During the battle between the hawk group and the lion group, bats go back and forth to the winning group. Moral Message: D on't be a coward because you won't have friends. Because bats pitted the lions and birds. because of a cowardly bat. And he has no stance because bats don't want to stay in one group, he j

Love Nature

Examples of reflection, action, and action plan Reflection Action Now Action Plan I liked to drink water very much. Because water is very good for health. I drank water every day. I've got the water in stores. I think buying a disposable plastic bottle would be practical. And because I often drank water, there are also many bottles. I was not aware of collecting so much garbage that I threw on the ground. But that is all wrong because it makes the earth in bad condition now. I like to drink. I used to drink using plastic bottles but now I prefer to boil my own water, and how to drink it that can be reused or in glass • save more on the use of plastic bottles • prefers recycled drinking bottles over plastic bottles Wisdom Love Pledge Disposing of plastic bottles every day would result in polluted soil. Plastic bottles are decomposed longer