Week 1 : My SDGs Favorite among theme are: "Do the division of the food or the needs of the principal for less able to SDGs 2 "Zero Hunger" To support SDG number 2 on mortality, achieve food security, improve nutrition and support sustainable agriculture. This goal is in line with Indonesia's development priorities which are embedded in resilience priorities Hunger is defined as a condition resulting from chronic food shortages. In the long term, chronic hunger is severe in the degree of public health and public expenditure on health results. Many factors that cause hunger such as poverty, instability of the government system, the use of the environment that exceeds capacity, national and helplessness such as children, women, and helplessness such as unemployed children are the main factors causing hunger. Week 2 : Week 3 : Name : Tasiya Delia Ratna Sari Class : XII MIPA 8 No ...