COWARDLY BAT Text Story Telling: In a meadow there is a lion eating meat. Suddenly, an eagle snatched it. The lion was angry and declared war on the bird nation. All kinds of birds will be their enemies. At night the lion-led group attacks. Bird nation lost. Seeing that condition, the bat felt anxious. He immediately met the king of the jungle. Bat said that he was a nation of rats despite having wings. Because of that, he wants to join. The lion allowed it. The next day while the lion group was resting, the group of birds attacked back. The bat felt anxious so he thought about joining the bird nation. Bats meet eagles. Elang also gladly accepts it. During the battle between the hawk group and the lion group, bats go back and forth to the winning group. Moral Message: D on't be a coward because you won't have friends. Because bats pitted the lions and birds. because of a cowardly bat. And he has no stance because bats don't want to stay in one group, he j...